Monday, September 10, 2012


This is just a simple post that is an update on me. it has been nearly a year since anything new about me has been said. I am still currently in Girl Scouts and will soon be working on my Girl Scout Gold Award. My Gold Award will consist of Depression, Self Harming, and the things that are involved in it. There was a time in my life were I experienced this and I now am wanting to contribute back to my community to allow younger people know that someone is out their and is willing to help them through it. My main focuse will be going to our junior high in my town and talking to the school either as a whole or class by class. This will not only be a journey for people who want to start one but, a journey for me to learn more about who I am.
I am a senior in high school, looking into joining either the Navy or Air Force, though at the time the Air Force seems more likely to happen. Things are looking on the brighter side and which just has taken time to get their though it is slowly getting there.
Don't ever give up on something that you know you can achieve and also don't give up on life. Things might get hard at time though you have to tell yourself that things will get better and it just takes time.

as always, LoveYourLife

Friday, September 7, 2012


   So it has been a VERY long time since I have gotten to Blogger and posted anything. I am sorry for this happening, just I was very busy at the end of the school year, during the summer and I finally have some time to write.
   I am posting about the one thing that every relationship needs besides love which is Trust. I went onto Google and looked up the definition of Trust, here is what it gave me:

Trust:Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Everyday we wake up not fully knowing what the day is going to hold and who is going to be their when we need it the most. Though some how we seem to find the trust within our selves and within others. Trust is a major part of our everyday living. so much a part of it that it in a sense helps keep us living along with love.
   We give our trust to our friends, family, piers, teachers and into the relationships we are in. We trust that they will not cheat on us, harm us in any form, keep us safe, tell the truth and not lie and be their for you when you need it the most. They are not only your friend but your companion.
  Days go by and we trust in ourselves that we are making the right choices that will affect everything rather small or large. Trust that the people we surround ourselves by we can trust them to. Tell secrets to people, do things that you are not supposed to do but you trust that it wont get told and will stay between whom ever was their and yourself.
  Though one thing I must say is to most definitely trust within yourself or you yourself will not be able to trust others for who they are. Rely on others for them to have the ability to tell you the truth to let you know what you really need to know. Let them be the one you lean on when you do not have the strenght to do something yourself. This is why you trust that person.

So as always, LoveYourLife

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


<p>well its near the end of the school year and beginning of the summer. so hopefully you are all getting ready. looking in stores for the swim suit of the summer and making plans to spend it with friends and have a blast. get a few sun burns and tans. sleep in and stay up late watching movies and eating junk food.
other than the summer coming up hopefully everything is going good or getting better in some kind of way. yes it does take time for things to happen but it will happen if you allow it to happen. wow that was a lot of happen's lol.
also memorial day is this month and most of us get out on that day and get to have fun with either friends or family but either way hopefully it will be fun.
well im done for now and im always open to anyone who needs help,with anything please let me know. dont be nervous and think i will judge because i will not. i am not that type of person.
so as always,  LoveYourLife

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The next year!

So I have decided that for the,next year I am going to be vegan. Yes I know probably shocking, but it is something that I want to do. It is healtgier if done correctly, and I wont be eating bi-products from other animals.
Now there is a difference between being vegetarian and vegan. Vegetarian is when someone eats mostly vegetable and all the other stuff, though they eat a certain meat still. But being vegan is that you do not eat anything from animals all you eat is grains, vegetables,, fruits, starches and other things that do not contain any animal products. Some people do not think I can go a year but I am determined to do so and get the experience, though I am curious what my boyfriend will have to say about this all. But if he loves me like I believe he does then he will respect me and help me through it. And I might not eat the meat but I am willing to cook it if it is needed. So a few weeks ago I became very stressed and wasn't sure to do about it. I didnt want to talk to anyone about how I was feeling because they may take what I was saying wrong. Then I decided to write, and writing for me helps. I can put the way I am feeling on paper and not have to worry about the paper talkong back at me and criticizing me for what I had wrotten. So maybe one day if you are stressed or depressed or feeling other way it might help to write, maybe go take a shower and sing. Go running, walking, or listen tousic.. Find something that helps you in a good way, helps you to cope with what is going on and,might make things a little easier. Well that is all for today so as always, LoveYourLife

Monday, March 26, 2012

What I saw

So I was at the mall today with my mom and saw a necklace ring and bracelet I believe that said LoveLife..I wanted it all so much. I think that it is awsome that others want to love life and enjoy every aspect of it.

Everyday is a new beginning for new adventurea. So take the most adventurous one you can find and dont only include yourself but others too. That way it is fun and you can enjoy every second. There is a reason the present is called the present and the past called the past. And the future is in your hands so hold onto the present yes it is a present but still a present that is to be opened and discovered which makes it the future. Which is what you are holding in your hands i.e. present.

So Easter is almost here. Which means everyone who gave something up for lint you can soon indulge yourself in that sacrifice. Yummy!! I have never given up something for lint though im not Catholic. So even though im not I might try it next year to see what it is like to not eating or do something I,want for an entire month.

Well as usual this post must come to an end for the night so far well to you all have a wonderful might and future and present. LoveYourLife

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Not sure one what to blog about today. Just feel like blogging lol.

We school is almost out and summer is right around the corner. And for the seniors it is either going to be the last summer they have due to joining the service or it will be the summer before college. Though one thing is that once you graduate your life truly starts. No more parents to help you and give you everything you want. It is your decision on the choices yoh make so make them wisley. This is also one of the last times you will get to see all of your friends at the same time. So take advantage of it, though not too much.

So I guess I am done blogging for the day, if there is anything that you,need let me know. So as it is said Love Your Life.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patricks

So I was watching TV and I saw their add for green ketchup. I like the idea about it and all but it kinda reminds me of nasty fungus or making me wonder if I will turn into the Incredible Hulk, though I know these things aren't true, but maybe the hulk thing would be.
So on the last post I did I got the comment that I should be a counselor or social worker, yes it would be a very interesting and good field for me to go into since I enjoy helping others before I help myself I don't fully believe I would enjoy it because of some of the things I would see. It would bother me in ways unthinkable.
Some people may think that being in that field of work doesnt effect you though the truth is that it does because either you can't help someone who needs it or you come to late to help them and inside it hurts. It is very rewarding when you help the ones who need it but still a very stressful and vigorous kind of work.
But my field of choice isnt much better because if I become a nurse in the Navy and then a physican amd surgeon in the future I know I will be dealt the death card on nearly every case I am given and will also see things that I wont be ablw to get from my mind but I am willing to take this task on because I am helping others before I help myself.

Well im going to go to bed and end this post with a Happy St. Patrick's Day and if you ever need anything just let me know and I will help in any way possible.